Iceland Vanishing | Virginie Chabrol

Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (11).jpg

Iceland: Vanishing

a series by Virginie Chabrol

About the Artist

My name is Virginie Chabrol, I am a French photographer based in Scotland. I am self-taught: I
studied History of Art at the university and firstly worked in the organisation of cultural events.

As long as I can remember, I have always seen my father with a camera in his hands, so
photography has played a part in my life for a long time. My father taught me a lot about
photography and my love for this medium probably has a lot to do with him. However, it's only a
few years ago that I decided to make a living off it.

My personal work is mainly focused on landscapes – natural or urban – and environmental portraits. I am interested in documenting what's spectacular as well as the signs of an everyday life, and to make sensitive portraits of my discoveries and encounters.

Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (6).jpg

About The Series

I shot this series in May 2015.

It was born from a question I was asking myself before traveling to Iceland: nowadays, the world
can be seen from our screens, so how can we still discover a place when we've seen so many
pictures of it? In other words, how can we see it with our own eyes, without searching for
recognisable features?

Vanishing is about forgetting what I had seen of Iceland before.

Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (2).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (10).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (7).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (4).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (1).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (9).jpg
Iceland Vanishing - (c)Virginie Chabrol (14).jpg

See more of Virginie's work

Visual Voices