Interview | Mark Webber



Mark Webber 

My name is Mark Webber, I live in Calgary Alberta and I was raised in a small town about an
hour drive away from here. I spend a lot of time taking photos in the country and around the
small towns of Alberta.

When and how did your journey as a photographer begin?

I started taking photos in the summer of 2017 using a point and shot camera. The lack of control become an issue fairly quick, I wanted to take long exposures at night as well as experiment with double exposures. This wasn’t at all possible with what I was using. My first rangefinder was purchased later in the fall and I’ve been shooting regularly since then.



What camera(s) do you prefer to use?

I use a 35mm Contax G2 with the 45mm Planar lens


Could you describe a bit about the type of photography you pursue?

I’m very into the idea of nostalgia in photographs, trying to capture that as much as possible has been important for me. I found these these feelings were definitely most present at night,
especially when doing long exposures. I also only shoot on film as I think this adds to the
nostalgic feel.

What is your greatest source of inspiration?

Lately I have been drawing a lot of inspiration from cinematographers,I will sometimes watch a
movie 3 or 4 times over a couple of days in order to get everything out of it. Of course there are also the night photographers, too many to even begin naming them. So I’ll just say that
Instagram has been great for discovering inspiring work.

Are there any photography projects you are currently pursuing or would like
to pursue?

I’m planning my first series centered around the small town I grew up in, I want to begin working on it in this summer once all of the snow has melted. It’s practically a ghost town at this point, the school I went to is completely abandoned. It’s almost impossible not to feel inspired when i’m shooting there.

What general process do you undergo to produce your work?

The locations I choose usually require driving for many hours on nearly empty highways. I enjoy this part of my process almost as much as the shooting itself. Usually I’ll have an idea of where I’m going but I’ll also explore along the way there. This is often when I find my favorite places to shoot.


You can follow Mark Webberś work on his Instagram

Visual Voices